Joseph NADEN
- Born: 1 Jan 1888, Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Christened: 7 Mar 1888, St Paul's, Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Marriage: Elsie HALL on 25 Feb 1923 in St Michael's, Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Died: 13 Dec 1969, Macclesfield, Cheshire aged 81
- Crem.: 30 Dec 1969, Macclesfield Cemetery, Cheshire 1
Cause of his death was Congestive cardiac failure, hypertension, arbrosebrosis.
User ID: ID.795.
General Notes:
Joseph is believed to have fought in the 1914-1918 war and was injured in the battle of the Somme.
Joseph was more of a easy going 'jack the lad'. He was always playing practical jokes, liked a pint and was well known (in a positive sense) in the town. He was a keen Macclesfield Town FC supporter. So much so, he went to see Macc play when 'full of cold' and feeling lousy. Nothing would keep him away. The cold developed into something similar to pneumonia which killed him a few days later. So it could be said he almost died on the terraces.
A comic postcard, dated 23 JU 20 <June? 1920>, posted in Openshaw, Manchester, Lancashire at 1.45 PM was sent to Miss E. <Elsie> Hall (Later to be Joseph's wife), c/o Mrs. Spencer, 9 Mona Drive, Central Prom, Douglas, I.O.M. <Isle of Man>. The message reads 'Dear Elsie, Your P.C. (Postcard) to hand, pleased to know you are enjoying yourself and hoping you are not loving anything like this. From Joe'. The front of the postcard has a colour picture of a girl in a one piece swimming costume, sat on a beach in front of a tent and reading a letter held in her right hand. The caption reads 'I wish you'd write plainer, I can't make out whether you undress on the sands with a "tent" or a "gent"'.
A postcard type birthday card, dated 6 DE (December, year illegible), posted in Macclesfield at 7.45 PM was sent to Miss E. (Elsie) Hall (Later to be Joseph's wife), 144 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire. The message reads 'I wish you many happy returns of the day from Joe', probably Joseph. The front of the card has a monochrome photograph of a young woman together with a message which reads 'Many happy returns, In each new year may Gladness be your share, and Happiness go with you everywhere'. Joseph posted the card the night before Elsie's birthday so that it would arrive early the following morning.
J. Naden, probably Joseph, sent a letter, dated 7 October 1922 to a Mr. Price. He enquired if there was 'a vacancy for a wagon repairers labourer or brakesman'. He had been working at 'Gorton Shops' and had been made redundant. He had worked for the G.G.R. in the shops for 15 years, probably since 1907. A reply from a C. J. Buck (Badly written) dated 9 October 1922 was written on the reverse of the original letter. A Wagon Makers Labourer had been transferred from Northwich that day, hence, there was a vacancy. He was invited to apply for the vacancy.
Joseph Naden was sent a letter dated 12 March 1965 offering 144 Crompton Road, Macclesfield for sale for £500. The offer must have been refused as the house was still being rented when Elsie Naden died in 1977.
Death Notes:
Death registered 15 Dec 1969. Cremated 30 Dec 1969 and ashes scattered on grave plot G5957, Macclesfield Cemetery, Prestbury Rd.
The plot was originally purchased by George HALL, father-in-law. {316}
Burial Notes:
Cremated and remains interred in plot G, 5957, Macclesfield Cemetery
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: Labourer, From 1923 to 1928.
• Occupation: Retired railway worker, 1969. retired railway worker in 1969
• Residence. 1888: Court 3 House 2, Fountain Street, Macclesfield 1891: 104 Bank Street, Macclesfield 1922-1923: 103 Bank Street, Macclesfield 1923-1969: 144 Crompton Road, Macclesfield
• Census, 1891, Macclesfield, Cheshire. 2
Joseph married Elsie HALL, daughter of George HALL and Martha HOEY, on 25 Feb 1923 in St Michael's, Macclesfield, Cheshire. (Elsie HALL was born on 7 Dec 1893 in 244 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, christened on 5 Aug 1896 in Christ Church, Macclesfield, Cheshire, died on 13 Mar 1977 in Parkside Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire and was cremated on 19 Mar 1977 in Macclesfield Cemetery, Cheshire 1.)
Marriage Notes:
Marriage No.255 Witnesses: George Hall, Silk Weaver, Elsie's father Florence Leah, lifelong friend of Elsie from 30 John's St., Macclesfield