Family Tree of Rodney Michael Harry HALL
Matthew NADEN
Joseph NADEN


Family Links

Elsie HALL

Joseph NADEN

  • Born: 1 Jan 1888, Macclesfield, Cheshire
  • Christened: 7 Mar 1888, St Paul's, Macclesfield, Cheshire
  • Marriage: Elsie HALL on 25 Feb 1923 in St Michael's, Macclesfield, Cheshire
  • Died: 13 Dec 1969, Macclesfield, Cheshire aged 81
  • Crem.: 30 Dec 1969, Macclesfield Cemetery, Cheshire 1

bullet   Cause of his death was Congestive cardiac failure, hypertension, arbrosebrosis.

bullet   User ID: ID.795.


bullet  General Notes:

Joseph is believed to have fought in the 1914-1918 war and was injured in the battle of the Somme.

Joseph was more of a easy going 'jack the lad'. He was always playing practical jokes, liked a pint and was well known (in a positive sense) in the town. He was a keen Macclesfield Town FC supporter. So much so, he went to see Macc play when 'full of cold' and feeling lousy. Nothing would keep him away. The cold developed into something similar to pneumonia which killed him a few days later. So it could be said he almost died on the terraces.

A comic postcard, dated 23 JU 20 <June? 1920>, posted in Openshaw,
Manchester, Lancashire at 1.45 PM was sent to Miss E. <Elsie> Hall
(Later to be Joseph's wife), c/o Mrs. Spencer, 9 Mona
Drive, Central Prom, Douglas, I.O.M. <Isle of Man>.

The message reads
'Dear Elsie, Your P.C. (Postcard) to hand, pleased to know
you are enjoying yourself and hoping you are not loving anything
like this. From Joe'. The front of the postcard has a colour
picture of a girl in a one piece swimming costume, sat on a beach
in front of a tent and reading a letter held in her right hand. The
caption reads 'I wish you'd write plainer, I can't make out whether
you undress on the sands with a "tent" or a "gent"'.

A postcard type birthday card, dated 6 DE (December, year
illegible), posted in Macclesfield at 7.45 PM was sent to Miss E.
(Elsie) Hall (Later to be Joseph's wife), 144 Crompton Road,
Macclesfield, Cheshire. The message reads 'I wish you many happy
returns of the day from Joe', probably Joseph. The front of the
card has a monochrome photograph of a young woman together with a
message which reads 'Many happy returns, In each new year may
Gladness be your share, and Happiness go with you everywhere'.
Joseph posted the card the night before Elsie's birthday so that it
would arrive early the following morning.

J. Naden, probably Joseph, sent a letter, dated 7 October 1922 to a
Mr. Price. He enquired if there was 'a vacancy for a wagon
repairers labourer or brakesman'. He had been working at 'Gorton
Shops' and had been made redundant. He had worked for the G.G.R. in
the shops for 15 years, probably since 1907. A reply from a C. J.
Buck (Badly written) dated 9 October 1922 was written on the
reverse of the original letter. A Wagon Makers Labourer had been
transferred from Northwich that day, hence, there was a vacancy. He
was invited to apply for the vacancy.

Joseph Naden was sent a letter dated 12 March 1965 offering 144
Crompton Road, Macclesfield for sale for £500. The offer must have
been refused as the house was still being rented when Elsie Naden
died in 1977.

bullet  Death Notes:

Death registered 15 Dec 1969.
Cremated 30 Dec 1969 and ashes scattered on grave plot G5957, Macclesfield Cemetery, Prestbury Rd.

The plot was originally purchased by George HALL, father-in-law. {316}

bullet  Burial Notes:

Cremated and remains interred in plot G, 5957, Macclesfield Cemetery


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Labourer, From 1923 to 1928.

• Occupation: Retired railway worker, 1969. retired railway worker in 1969

• Residence. 1888: Court 3 House 2, Fountain Street, Macclesfield
1891: 104 Bank Street, Macclesfield
1922-1923: 103 Bank Street, Macclesfield
1923-1969: 144 Crompton Road, Macclesfield

• Census, 1891, Macclesfield, Cheshire. 2


Joseph married Elsie HALL, daughter of George HALL and Martha HOEY, on 25 Feb 1923 in St Michael's, Macclesfield, Cheshire. (Elsie HALL was born on 7 Dec 1893 in 244 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, christened on 5 Aug 1896 in Christ Church, Macclesfield, Cheshire, died on 13 Mar 1977 in Parkside Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire and was cremated on 19 Mar 1977 in Macclesfield Cemetery, Cheshire 1.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Marriage No.255
Witnesses: George Hall, Silk Weaver, Elsie's father
Florence Leah, lifelong friend of Elsie from 30 John's St., Macclesfield



1 HALL & NADEN Grave Plot G-5957.

2 HALL Census, Rodney HALL, HALL Census.doc, 104 Bank Street, Macclesfield, 4 rooms. 1841 Census

Waterloo Street, Hurdsfield, Macclesfield
HO107/2158 P5

GeorgeHALL45Silk WeaverBorn in County
MaryHALL45-Born in County (actually, Bolton, Lancs.)
Mary HALL28Silk WeaverBorn in County
GeorgeHALL17Silk Weaver Born in County
JohnHALL15Silk Weaver Born in County
ThomasHALL12Silk Weaver Born in County
JosephHALL10Silk Weaver Born in County
SamuelHALL 7-Born in County

1851 Census

61 Waterloo Street, Hurdsfield, Macclesfield
HO107/2158 P15

Mary AnnHALLHeadWidow55b Macclesfield
ThomasHALLSonU23Hand loom weaver silkb Hurdsfield
JosephHALLSonU20Hand loom weaver silkb Hurdsfield
SamuelHALLSonU17Hand loom weaver silkb Hurdsfield

1861 Census

44 Watercotes, Macclesfield, Parish St. Paul
RG9/2579 P7

RuthBRIDGEHeadU64-b Macclesfield
ThomasHALLNephewM35Silk Weaverb Macclesfield
ElizaHALLNieceM32Silk Piecerb Chester
Thomas EdwinHALLGd. NephewU 5Scholarb Macclesfield
William LovattHALLGd. Nephew U 3Scholarb Macclesfield
FannyLOVATTNiece U29Silk Factory Workerb Chester
FannyLOVATTGd. Niece U 4Scholarb Macclesfield

1871 Census

202 Crompton Road, Macclesfield
RG10/3676 104 P7

ThomasHALLHeadM45Silk Weaverb Macclesfield
ElizaHALLWifeM41 ---b Chorley, Cheshire
Thomas EdwinHALL SonU15Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
William LovattHALL SonU13Errand Boyb Macclesfield
Mary ElizabethHALL DauU 9Scholarb Macclesfield
Prudence AnnHALL DauU 5Scholarb Macclesfield
HarryHALL SonU 1 ---b Macclesfield

Also shown - (John - brother of Thomas)

215 Crompton Road, Macclesfield
RG10/3676 86 P15

JohnHALLHeadM47Silk Weaverb Macclesfield
Elizabeth HALLWifeF49 --- b Macclesfield
Mary AnnHALLDauF21Machine sewerb Macclesfield
GeorgeHALLSonM10Scholarb Macclesfield

100 New Hedley, Liverpool, Lancashire, Parish St. Aidans,
Reg. Dist. St. Martin Ref: RG10 Piece 3765 Folio 25 Pages 43 & 44

(2 other families also at that address)

JamesHOEYHead43Boot maker b Naturalized British Subject
SarahHOEYWife34 ---b Liverpool, Lancashire
John HOEYSon18Stoker b Liverpool, Lancashire
WilliamHOEYSon16Shop Boy b Liverpool, Lancashire
MaryHOEYDau14Scholar b Liverpool, Lancashire
MarthaHOEYDau11Scholar b Liverpool, Lancashire
AnneHOEYDau 5Scholar b Liverpool, Lancashire
EdwardHOEYSon 1 mo --- b Liverpool, Lancashire

1881 Census

197 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Parish St. Michaels

FHL Film 1341838 PRO Ref: RG11 Piece 3495 Folio 87 Page 21

ThomasHALLHeadM55 Silk Weaverb Macclesfield
ElizaHALLWifeM51 Housekeeperb Chorley, Cheshire
Thomas EHALLSonU25 Shop Man (Gent) b Macclesfield
Mary EHALLDauU19 Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
PrudenceHALLDauU15 Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
HarryHALLSonU 11 Silk Piecerb Macclesfield

202 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Parish St. Michaels
FHL Film 1341838 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3495 Folio 102 Page 9

William LHALLHead M23 Grocers Porterb Macclesfield
EllenHALLWife M26 Housekeeperb Macclesfield
Henry BHALLSonU3b Macclesfield
WilliamHALLSonU1b Macclesfield
Charlotte AHALLDauU1mob Macclesfield

214 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Parish St. Michaels
FHL.Film 1341838. PRO. Ref RG11. Piece 3495, Folio 102. Page 10

GeorgeHALLHeadM20Silk weaverb Macclesfield
MarthaHALLWifeM21b Liverpool, Lancashire.
[Martha HOEY]

1891 Census

241 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Parish St. Michaels

HarryHALL Visitor U21 Clerkb Macclesfield

202 Crompton Road, Macclesfield , Parish St. Michaels
RG12/2816 page 12

William LHALLHeadM34Grocers Porterb Macclesfield
EllenHALLWifeM36Housekeeperb Macclesfield
Harry BHALLSonU13Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
WilliamHALLSonU11Scholarb Macclesfield
Charlotte AHALLDauU10Scholarb Macclesfield
PeterHALLSonU 5Scholarb Macclesfield
Prudence AHALLDauU 3Scholarb Macclesfield

104 Bank Street, Macclesfield, 4 rooms

MatthewNADENHeadWidwrShoe Maker Employed
AnnieNADENDauS17Silk Piecer - Employed
MaryNADENDauS13Silk Piecer - Employed
JosephNADENSonS 3

142 Upper Lloyd Street, Manchester, Manchester, Parish of St James
RG12/3201 Folio 135b Page 50

ElizaHALLHeadW61b Chester, Cheshire
Thomas EHALLSonS35Dairyman Milkb Macclesfield
Mary EHALLDauS29Mantle Makerb Macclesfield
Eliza EHALLGDauS8Scholarb Macclesfield

1901 Census

154 Maine Road, Moss Side, Manchester, Parish of St James
RG13/3711 page 42

ElizaHALLHeadW71 ---b Chester, Cheshire
Thomas EHALLSonS45Newsagentb Macclesfield
Mary ElizaHALLDauS39Mantle Makerb Macclesfield
Mary EllenHALLDau in LawM26b Manchester, Lancs.
Harry BrodieHALLGSonS23Cookb Macclesfield
AdaLEEARSNieceS11b Philadelphia, USA

202 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Parish of St Michaels
RG13/3313 page 11

William LHALLHeadM43Laundrymanb Macclesfield
Helen (Ellen)HALLWifeM46Housekeeperb Macclesfield
WilliamHALLSonS21Clerk C.C. Silkb Macclesfield
Charlotte AHALLDauS20Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
Prudence AHALLDauS13Silk Piecerb Macclesfield
PeterHALLSonS15Pupil School Teacherb Macclesfield
MayHALLDauS 8Scholarb Macclesfield

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